%% Saved with string encoding Unicode (UTF-8) @patent{picado22, author = {Ashish Saxena and Vega S. Naryanto, Vinsensius B. and Matej Rizman and Pavel Shmakov and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Cyril Chimisov}, title = {Automatic Memory Management for Compute Graphs}, number = {US20240193421A1}, month = dec, year = 2022, url = {https://patents.google.com/patent/US20240193421A1/}, pubstate = {Patent pending} } @patent{gee21, author = {Ashish Saxena and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Pavel Shmakov and Cyril Chimisov and Vega S. Naryanto, Vinsensius B. and Matej Rizman and Matthew Pearce}, title = {Graph Execution Engine}, number = {US20230185622A1}, month = dec, year = 2021, url = {https://patents.google.com/patent/US20230185622A1/}, pubstate = {Patent pending} } @inbook{mhg13, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Planning with Effectively Propositional Logic}, editor = {Andrei Voronkov and Christoph Weidenbach}, booktitle = {Programming Logics: Essays in Memory of Harald Ganzinger}, volume = 7797, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = apr, year = 2013, pages = {302--316}, publisher = {Springer}, artifact = {tool=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#epr-benchmarks}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/mhg13.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-642-37651-1}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-37651-1_13} } @article{snam12, author = {Meeyoung Cha and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Hamed Haddadi}, title = {The Spread of Media Content Through Blogs}, journal = {Social Network Analysis and Mining}, volume = 2, number = 3, pages = {249--264}, month = sep, year = 2012, publisher = {Springer}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/snam12.pdf}, issn = {1869-5469}, doi = {10.1007/s13278-011-0040-x} } @article{tplp10, author = {Nuno P. Lopes and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrey Rybalchenko and Atul Singh}, title = {Applying {Prolog} to Develop Distributed Systems}, editor = {M. Hermenegildo and T. Schaub}, journal = {Theory and Practice of Logic Programming}, issuetitle = {26th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP 2010)}, volume = 10, number = {4--6}, pages = {691--707}, month = jul, year = 2010, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/tplp10.pdf}, issn = {1475-3081}, doi = {10.1017/S1471068410000360} } @article{jlc06, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola and Borja Macías, Verónica}, title = {Logics with Common Weak Completions}, journal = {Journal of Logic and Computation}, volume = 16, number = 6, month = dec, year = 2006, pages = {867--890}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/jlc06.pdf}, issn = {1465-363X}, doi = {10.1093/logcom/exl013} } @article{jlc05, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola and Borja Macías, Verónica}, title = {Ground Nonmonotonic Modal Logic {S5}: New Results}, journal = {Journal of Logic and Computation}, volume = 15, number = 5, month = oct, year = 2005, pages = {787--813}, publisher = {Oxford University Press}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/jlc05.pdf}, issn = {1465-363X}, doi = {10.1093/logcom/exi042} } @article{apal05, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola}, title = {Safe Beliefs for Propositional Theories}, editor = {Ruy de Queiroz and B. Poizat and S. Artemov}, journal = {Annals of Pure and Applied Logic}, issuetitle = {9th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2002)}, volume = 134, number = 1, month = jun, Year = 2005, pages = {63--82}, publisher = {Elsevier}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/apal05.pdf}, issn = {1873-2461}, doi = {10.1016/j.apal.2004.06.012} } @article{tplp04, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola}, title = {Applications of Intuitionistic Logic in Answer Set Programming}, editor = {Maurice Bruynooghe}, journal = {Theory and Practice of Logic Programming}, volume = 4, number = 3, month = may, year = 2004, pages = {325--354}, publisher = {Cambridge University Press}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/tplp04.pdf}, issn = {1475-3081}, doi = {10.1017/S1471068403001881}, } @article{wollic02, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola}, title = {A Logical Approach for {A-Prolog}}, editor = {Ruy de Queiroz and Luiz Carlos Pereira and Edward Hermann Haeusler}, journal = {Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science}, issuetitle = {9th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WoLLIC 2002)}, volume = 67, month = oct, year = 2002, pages = {265--275}, publisher = {Elsevier}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/wollic02.pdf}, issn = {1571-0661}, doi = {10.1016/S1571-0661(04)80554-1}, } @inproceedings{lics14, author = {Brotherston, James and Fuhs, Carsten and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Gorogiannis, Nikos}, title = {A Decision Procedure for Satisfiability in Separation Logic with Inductive Predicates}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science}, month = jul, year = 2014, eventtitle = {LICS 2014}, venue = {Vienna, Austria}, pages = {1--10}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/lics14.pdf}, isbn = {978-1-4503-2886-9}, doi = {10.1145/2603088.2603091} } @inproceedings{aplas13, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrey Rybalchenko}, title = {Separation Logic Modulo Theories}, editor = {Chung-chieh Shan}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th Asian Symposium on Programming Languages and Systems}, volume = 8301, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = dec, year = 2013, eventtitle = {APLAS 2013}, venue = {Melbourne, Australia}, pages = {90--106}, publisher = {Springer}, artifact = {tool=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#asterix}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/aplas13.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-319-03542-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-319-03542-0_7} } @inproceedings{pldi11, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrey Rybalchenko}, title = {Separation Logic + {Superposition} Calculus = {Heap} Theorem Prover}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 32nd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation}, month = jun, year = 2011, eventtitle = {PLDI 2011}, venue = {San Jose, CA, USA}, pages = {556--566}, publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery}, artifact = {slides=https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/PLDI11-Slides.pdf, tool=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#sl-benchmarks}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/pldi11.pdf}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0663-8}, doi = {10.1145/1993498.1993563} } @inproceedings{cav09, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrey Rybalchenko and Atul Singh}, title = {Cardinality Abstraction for Declarative Networking Applications}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Computer Aided Verification}, volume = 5643, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = jun, year = 2009, eventtitle = {CAV 2009}, venue = {Grenoble, France}, pages = {584--598}, publisher = {Springer}, artifact = {tool=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#cardan}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/cav09.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-642-02658-4}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-02658-4_43} } @inproceedings{padl09, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrey Rybalchenko}, title = {Operational Semantics for Declarative Networking}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages}, volume = 5418, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = jan, year = 2009, eventtitle = {PADL 2009}, venue = {Savannah, GA, USA}, pages = {76--90}, publisher = {Springer}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/padl09.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-540-92995-6}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-92995-6} } @inproceedings{ijcar08, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Proof Systems for Effectively Propositional Logic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning}, volume = 5195, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = aug, year = 2008, eventtitle = {IJCAR 2008}, venue = {Sydney, Australia}, pages = {426--440}, publisher = {Springer}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/ijcar08.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-540-71070-7}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-71070-7_36} } @inproceedings{sat07, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Encodings of Problems in Effectively Propositional Logic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing}, volume = 4501, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = may, year = 2007, eventtitle = {SAT 2007}, venue = {Lisbon, Portugal}, pages = 3, note = {Invited talk}, publisher = {Springer}, artifact = {tool=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#epr-benchmarks}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/sat07.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-540-72788-0}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-72788-0_2} } @inproceedings{cade07, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Encodings of Bounded {LTL} Model Checking in Effectively Propositional Logic}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Automated Deduction}, volume = 4603, series = {Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence}, month = jul, year = 2007, eventtitle = {CADE 2007}, venue = {Bremen, Germany}, pages = {346--361}, publisher = {Springer}, artifact = {tool=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#smv-to-tptp}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/cade07.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-540-73595-3}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-73595-3_24}, } @inproceedings{aaai05, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Andrei Voronkov}, title = {Generation of Hard Non-Clausal Random Satisfiability Problems}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, month = jul, year = 2005, eventtitle = {AAAI 2005}, venue = {Pittsburgh, PA, USA}, pages = {436--442}, publisher = {AAAI Press}, artifact = {tool=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#hard-sat}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/aaai05.pdf}, url = {https://aaai.org/papers/00436-generation-of-hard-non-clausal-random-satisfiability-problems/} } @inproceedings{iberamia04, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Answer Set Programming and {S4}}, editor = {Christian Lemaître and Reyes, Carlos A. and González, Jesús A.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Ibero-American Conference on Artificial Intelligence}, volume = 3315, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = nov, year = 2004, eventtitle = {IBERAMIA 2004}, venue = {Puebla, México}, pages = {353--363}, publisher = {Springer}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/iberamia04.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-540-30498-2}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-540-30498-2_36}, } @inproceedings{lanmr04, author = {Luis Angel Montiel and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Computing Preferred Safe Beliefs}, editor = {Mauricio Osorio and Alessandro Provetti}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st Latin-American Workshop on Non-Monotonic Reasoning}, volume = 92, series = {CEUR Workshop Proceedings}, month = apr, year = 2004, eventtitle = {LA-NMR 2004}, venue = {México, D.F., México}, publisher = {CEUR-WS.org}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/lanmr04.pdf}, url = {https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-92/} } @inproceedings{iclp02, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola}, title = {Debugging in {A-Prolog}: A Logical Approach}, editor = {Peter J. Stuckey}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Logic Programming}, volume = 2401, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = aug, year = 2002, eventtitle = {ICLP 2002}, venue = {Copenhagen, Denmark}, pages = {482--483}, publisher = {Springer}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/iclp02.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-540-45619-3}, doi = {10.1007/3-540-45619-8_44}, } @inproceedings{lopstr01, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola}, title = {Equivalence in Answer Set Programming}, editor = {Alberto Pettorossi}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Logic Based Program Synthesis and Transformation}, volume = 2372, series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, month = nov, year = 2001, eventtitle = {LOPSTR 2001}, venue = {Paphos, Cyprus}, pages = {57--75}, publisher = {Springer}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/lopstr01.pdf}, isbn = {978-3-540-45607-0}, doi = {10.1007/3-540-45607-4_4} } @inproceedings{cic01, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Decision Problem of Substrings in Context Free Languages}, editor = {Sossa Azuela, Juan Humberto and Herbert Freeman and C. Vizcaíno}, booktitle = {Memorias del X Congreso Internacional de Computación}, month = nov, year = 2001, eventtitle = {CIC 2001}, venue = {México, D.F., México}, pages = {239--249}, publisher = {CIC-IPN}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/cic01.pdf} } @misc{icwsm09, author = {Meeyoung Cha and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and Hamed Haddadi}, title = {Flash Floods and Ripples: The Spread of Media Content through the Blogoshpere}, howpublished = {Presented at the Data Challenge Workshop of the International Conference on Web \& Social Media}, month = may, year = 2009, eventtitle = {ICWSM 2009's Data Challenge}, venue = {San Jose, CA, USA}, note = {Best paper award}, artifact = {scripts=https://nokyotsu.com/me/tools/#spinn3r}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/icwsm09.pdf}, url = {https://www.icwsm.org/2009/data/} } @misc{arw07, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Encodings of Bounded {LTL} Model Checking in Effectively Propositional Logic}, howpublished = {Presented at the 14th Workshop on Automated Reasoning}, month = apr, year = 2007, eventtitle = {ARW 2007}, venue = {London, U.K.}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/arw07.pdf}, url = {https://www.doc.ic.ac.uk/crg/events/ARW07/} } @misc{arw06, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Translations to Propositional Satisfiability}, howpublished = {Presented at the 13th Workshop on Automated Reasoning}, month = apr, year = 2006, eventtitle = {ARW 2006}, venue = {Bristol, U.K.}, pages = {31--32}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/arw06.pdf}, url = {https://arw.csc.liv.ac.uk/2006.html} } @misc{arw05, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Generation of Hard Non-Clausal Random Satisfiability Problems}, howpublished = {Presented at the 12th Workshop on Automated Reasoning}, month = jul, year = 2005, eventtitle = {ARW 2005}, venue = {Edinburgh, Scotland}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/arw05.pdf}, url = {https://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/events/conferences/arw-05/}, } @misc{esslli03, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Properties of Translations for Logic Programs}, editor = {Balder ten Cate}, howpublished = {Presented at the Student Session of the 15th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information}, month = aug, year = 2003, eventtitle = {ESSLLI 2003}, venue = {Vienna, Austria}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/esslli03.pdf}, url = {https://www.logic.at/esslli03/} } @misc{asl03, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Modal Logic {S5$_2$} and {FOUR}}, howpublished = {Contributed talk at the 2003 Annual Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic}, month = jun, year = 2003, eventtitle = {ASL 2003}, venue = {Chicago, IL, USA}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/asl03.pdf}, url = {https://www.math.uic.edu/~marker/asl-03/} } @misc{lc02, author = {Mauricio Osorio and Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio and José Arrazola}, title = {Consistent neg-extensions of Superintuitionistic Theories}, howpublished = {Contributed talk at the 2002 Logic Colloquium}, month = aug, year = 2002, eventtitle = {LC 2002}, venue = {Münster, Germany}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/lc02.pdf} } @misc{esslli02, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Answer Set Programming through {G$_3$} Logic}, editor = {Malvina Nissim}, howpublished = {Presented at the Student Session of the 14th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information}, month = aug, year = 2002, eventtitle = {ESSLLI 2002}, venue = {Trento, Italy}, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/esslli02.pdf} } @thesis{navarro07, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Encoding and Solving Problems in Effectively Propositional Logic}, school = {The University of Manchester}, type = {PhD Thesis}, year = 2007, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/phd.pdf} } @thesis{navarro06, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Semantics for Nonmonotonic Reasoning: A Logical Approach}, school = {Universidad de las Américas, Puebla}, type = {Master's Thesis}, year = 2006, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/master.pdf} } @thesis{navarro03, author = {Navarro Pérez, Juan Antonio}, title = {Lógica Aplicada a Answer Sets}, school = {Universidad de las Américas, Puebla}, type = {Bachelor's Thesis}, year = 2003, file = {https://nokyotsu.com/me/papers/uthesis.pdf} }