About me

Maths geek turned into a computer scientist—an enthusiast for the communication of science, philosophy, humanism, and stuff … mostly stuff.
Side projects
Links to a few things I’ve done in my spare time:
- My blog. Some of my random thoughts and reasoned opinions. Sporadically updated.
- Parrots, the Universe and Everything. Video and full transcript of Douglas Adams’ talk about his book “Last Chance to See”.
- Pedazos de Carbono. A Spanish-language science communication blog which I co-created and contributed to for 7 years. No longer updated.
- Quick Scripts. A scrapbook with assorted notes and coding tidbits.
- LaTeX Fácil. A short introduction to LaTeX (in Spanish).
- My (old) blog. My older blog with content from 2006–2015. No longer updated.
Professional bio
I got a degree in mathematics from Universidad de las Américas Puebla and a PhD in computer science from The University of Manchester.
As a postdoctoral researcher, I worked at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems and the Technische Universität München, where I developed applications of automated reasoning into program analysis and verification.
My academic career continued as a lecturer at Queen Mary, University of London and then at University College London.
Currently, I work at Google.
Also see my CV, research papers, or software tools.
Contact info
Juan Antonio Navarro Pérez
Staff Software Engineer at Google, UK
- juan@nokyotsu.com
- nokyotsu.com/me
- London, UK